
My Story

While the first time I had sex was not the most potent spiritual awakening of this lifetime, sex has been one of my most profound teachers.

Sex was complicated terrain.

Riddled with shame and confusion.

A vortex of shadow and distortion.

Clouded with pain and trauma.

For most of my sexual life I felt disconnected to my body and pleasure, numb to my desire, and confused about my needs. My early experiences of sex, at best, were unsatisfying encounters that left me feeling hollow. On the outside, I projected a wild young woman, but on the inside I was insecure with little self-worth.

I used my sex in relationship to men. I had sex to get - approval, desire, and yes even….Love. My relationship to sex was transactional, manipulative, and extractive. I self-abandoned. I neglected my own needs, wants, feelings and values.

Contracting HSV2 was the catalyst for my descent. The weight of herpes stigma was crushing. I felt unattractive, undesirable, with a nonexistent sex drive. After receiving this diagnosis, I spent a few more years swimming in painbody (and abstinent) before I made the choice of Reclamation.


I chose that the stigma would not be my narrative.

I chose to be in approval of my desire to awaken my sexuality.

I chose to take responsibility for my healing.

I chose to cry tears that cleansed my heart rather than fortify my pain.

I committed to Self-Love thus changing how I felt about myself and how I showed up for myself. 

My sexual awakening has been a healing journey of my relationship to myself and my WOMAN

This required taking responsibility for the wounding that lived in my system… including the ancestral/epigenetic trauma from the Mother Line…

the gaping emptiness of all the ways my mother and her mother and her mother had been cut off from their desire and pleasure,

the ways they traded in their Eros and Radiance for safety and sometimes survival.

It was an undoing and rearranging of years of conditioning, survival tactics, familial patterns and cultural norms.

With compassion and forgiveness I alchemized the pain, grief, and shame living in my system. 

With the support of mentors I developed unwavering love for myself and needs.

I unwound performative sensual and sexual expressions and discovered what feels good to me.

And through intentional self-pleasure practices I deepened into my own body and sensuality, unlocking my pleasure potential.

Through solo sex I developed a relationship with my own pussy and opened to the medicine of my own touch.

I completed a multiple year certification program from one of the world’s leading sex experts, Layla Martin, to learn about sexuality in a holistic way, continue my own awakening journey, and to support women in their sensual and sexual awakening.

I feel it is important to share that I am in partnership with a great man who has been instrumental on my journey. There is a depth of healing that would not have been possible without Him. It was through His Making of Love that redefined sex for me as a Cosmic experience.

My sexuality has been a gateway to my Feminine Awakening. I am in a never ending journey into the fullness of my Woman that continues to unfold through Devotion by serving, creating, and nurturing my relationships. 

My Training

Certifications & Experience 

  • 01 Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality with Layla Martin (2019-2020) 

    Certified Sex, Love & Relationship Coach 

    Female Sexuality, Tantric Sex and Relationship Transformation specialties 

  • 02 Embodiment & Practitioner Training with Michaela Boehm & Steve James (2022) 

    Authorized NLMM® Teacher 

  • 03 The Wild Woman's Circle™ Practitioner Training with Michaela Boehm (2023) 

  • 04 Teaching Female Ejaculation and the G-spot with Deborah Sundahl (2021) 

  • 05 International Association of Kambo Practitioners (2018) 

    Certified Kambo Practitioner 

  • 06 E-RYT® 500 Yoga Teacher

  • 07 BA from Wichita State University in Dance (2009) 

Client Love

  • Hailey

    “ Before doing this work, I was dealing with a lot of pain physically and mentally. I was shutting down my emotions and physical intimacy and sex felt disconnected and lacking. I wanted to embrace my femininity and attune to my body but I didn’t know how, or even how to talk about it. After a few sessions, I started to see a difference in all these aspects of my life and I began to feel my energy shifting. Now, after working with Jordan, I get to experience pleasure on a whole new level and have patience and grace for myself that didn’t exist before. I feel more grounded and attuned to my body and soul. And man oh man has it shifted my sex life! Holy moly! If you are looking to go deeper and experience life on a whole new level then working with Jordan is the next best step. I am forever grateful for the jump I took with Jordan…” -Hailey

  • Brindl

    “When we began, I was apprehensive and guarded and Jordan created space for all of me without judgment or expectation. I love the way she adapted our time to focus on what was coming up for me in real time, while also connecting the pieces to my bigger intention for our work together. She invited me to explore my truth unapologetically, she reminded me to reflect and celebrate, and she affirmed my inner-child by encouraging silliness and play (it surprised me how hard that was!). It allowed me to begin to detangle complexities of trauma and fear and foster more skillful emotions/experiences all in a safe and nurturing environment. It was a transformative experience for me personally and I know the effects will continue to reverberate in my life.”

  • K.M.

    “I had lost my connection to my sensuality and desire. I knew there was a sex goddess buried in me but I had no clue how to uncover her. What a difference a few sessions made! Through working with Jordan I was able to reconnect with myself as a sexual being designed to enjoy pleasure- the effects of which extended to all areas of life. Jordan has an incredibly grounding presence that is soothing to be around and her support made opening up to do this deep work possible. I feel like I came home to myself.”

Questions? Let’s chat!

If you’d like to be considered for private mentorship, please schedule a consultation by clicking the link below.